About Us!
Established in 1986, the Ashland Directory is owned by Kevin & Diane McKelvey, long-time residents of Ashland. This well received and highly used full-service telephone book is distributed in summer each year.
Advertisers showcase their goods and services to locals and visitors alike, through yellow page ads. The Ashland Directory has quick access to Ashland & Talent business and residential phone numbers. With 90% repeat advertisers, we can assure you this phone directory will lead customers to your business because the Ashland residents love to use the Ashland Directory.
The Ashland Directory is distributed to residents and businesses in Ashland and Talent, the market you'll be reaching to over 30,000 potential customers! With the NEW ON-LINE Ashland Directory the potential customer base is WORLD WIDE! .
Call or email today to place your ad.
Check us out on FACEBOOK!!
541-482-2542 or email 4ads@ashlanddirectory.com
The Ashland Directory is distributed to all residences in Ashland and Talent, as well as hotels, motels, the University campus, businesses and rural routes.
Flexible payment plans Available & monthly payments available Payment arrangements must be made at the time of contract.
20,000 copies printed.
Publication Date
Summer 2017
Contact Information
Kevin and Diane McKelvey
Owners / Publishers
P.O. Box 3451
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone: (541) 482-2542
Fax: (541) 482-2559
Email: 4ads@ashlanddirectory.com

Ad Preparation
If you have a logo or other artwork or photo-graphs, please send high resolution digital files. If digital files are not available you may send photographic prints and clean, black and white, camera ready art.
Mechanical Requirements For Your Designer
If you would like to provide your ad to us already made we accept files via e-mail or on a CD or DVD. PDF files are preferred and should be press optimized with fonts embedded. Ads may also be submitted as native QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign or Illustrator files with all font and linked images. TIFF and EPS (convert text to outlines) are also acceptable.
A resolution of all elements of the ad (photos, logos and backgrounds) must be at least 300dpi to ensure optimum print quality. We can not ensure the print quality of any JPEG or GIF graphics particularly logos clipped from website material as the resolution is insufficient.
It is imperative that you include all fonts and linked artwork used in the ad. We will also need a hard-copy of the ad and contact information for the designer.
If you have any questions about producing your ad, or technical specifications, please contact us at the directory office:
Phone: (541) 482-2542
Fax: (541) 482-2559
Email: 4ads@ashlanddirectory.com